Monday, November 30, 2009

So, the Hokey-Pokey really *is* what it's all about.

I had another topic for my first blog entry but that will have to wait since I just read about a case in New Hampshire where a judge ordered a homeschooled child into the government school.

Now, I am one of those atypical (these days) religious homeschoolers who feel that people should decide for their own families how to educate their children.  God's word is silent on the exact location of education, though not on the religious and moral upbringing.  If a family believes that their child can get a good education at their local public school or at a private school of their choice, and is willing to do the extra work to adequately train their child "in the way he should go," I cannot see where they are breaking any commandments.

However, this case highlights something that homeschoolers (both left and right) have argued for decades, namely, public school is not really about education, it's about indoctrination.  If the judge truly believed that the main purpose of learning was to grasp the ABCs and 123s, so-to-speak, this case wouldn't have gone anywhere.  He would have looked at the girl's scores, seen she was doing exceedingly well academically, maybe even given the mother a nice pat on the back, we'd never have heard of it, and I'd have been able to publish my other blog entry.  But that's not what happened.  Despite how well the child is doing she has been ordered into the government school system simply to be exposed to other ideas. 

Only one with his feet planted firmly in the sophistry of the public schools could be blind enough not to see this for what it is: forced re-education.

Just Another Freakin' Blog

Why am I here?  There are a million blogs just like this one out in cyber-space.  So why am I writing?

Mostly this is just a place to work out thoughts that cannot be turned into the pithy one-liners I've become famous for.  Here I can ruminate all I need, and show off my incredible thesaurus skills.

Now, will I write anything?  Not so regular as those that are tops.  I have this odd thing called a life.  Not that other bloggers don't.  They've just incorporated blogging into their lives.  I have never been able to find a way to do this.  It might be those five pesky kids I have underfoot night and day.  It might be that rebellious act of homeschooling said five pesky kids.  It might be the extra-curricular activities of said five pesky kids that keeps me out and about all afternoon and evening., I must be honest.  It is not my children, it is my interest in reading and contemplating what others have taken the time to set forth at their own blogs and websites.  So, in that spirit, I will contemplate the news of the day, my take on the snowball-headed-for-hell policies that the current administration desires to cram down our throats, Islamophobia-phobia, the Arts, flair on facebook and my latest troubles with TweetDeck--which I use, essentially, to stalk the guys at Red Eye.

So, please, if you desire to follow, sit back, relax, and lower your expectations exponentially.