Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Warning: Idiot With Teleprompter

I was out, as usual, this evening so I was not fortunate enough to be able to watch our esteemed (though by whom I don't care to know) President bore, er, I mean, give a speech to our West Point cadets.  I did, however, find the transcript online.  I tried to read it, I really did.  But I was supposed to be chaperoning for a show and it's difficult to chaperone and sleep at the same time.  As I read through the first of 10 pages I found myself asking, " he saying?"  I thought, perhaps I'm just very exhausted after a day of cleaning up puke from my 2yo sickling.  Maybe it does make sense, though, again, to whom I don't care to know.

Fortunately, Pat Dollard hit it on the head with this quote from his Twitter: "Gibberish. This is all gibberish about a world he wishes were, instead of the world that is."  This is exactly the problem with PrezO, and all the other Liberals trying to ruin this country.  I have nothing against idealism, but if it is not rooted in reality it turns into something ugly, like Socialism.

At any rate, Obama offers more troops, but promises a pull out date.  I am of two minds regarding this.  1) Pull out dates are a nice thing to give to the mothers but they have no basis in reality (cf We'll be home by Christmas hope after D-Day).  2) Obama is just stupid enough to stand by it regardless of the situation.  After watching the last year's worth of politicking unfold like the storyline of a bad reality show, I will go with 2. 

Essentially, then, he has just told our enemies, the people who want to see us dead, that all they need to do is hold out until 2011, and victory will be theirs.  What will that victory look like?  What are the consequences to our men and women doing the fighting, of unequivocally stating, "We surrender, but not just yet?" 

I suppose this is a situation where Obama wants to have his cake and eat it too.  He wants to look like he's doing something in Afghanistan because his poll numbers are so bad and someone has mentioned to him that Americans like military stuff.  On the other hand, he doesn't really want to win because that would make America look good and nothing could be more intolerable.  By pandering to both sides, he makes himself look like a complete idiot.  No longer a very difficult thing for the man to do, but this time he did it WITH  the teleprompter running.

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